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These pages are meant to be an additional resource to my students.

At the top of this column, you will find links to resources I have posted for each class in the current and recent terms, including:

  • Course Documents - including syllabus, schedule, assignment documents and handouts.
  • Course Presentations - all in-class presentations are posted in flash format.
  • Review Material - various reviews and practice quizzes
  • Links - hyper-links to relevant external sites.

Some parts may be password protected. The username and password can be found in your class syllabus under the 'Helpful Hints' section. Sorry about the need to enter the password, but be assured, it is completely safe for you to do so.

These pages may or may not be updated in a timely manner, but I will do what I can to help the students succeed.

Feel free to use and distribute any material you find useful, as long as you give credit where appropriate.

Blessings to you. Brad.