Copyright © 2010  Brad Copp. All Rights Reserved.
This is the resource site for the MU245 Worship Team Practicum: Instrumental Class.  Please use the menu at the top of this column to access many important course documents and resources. 

Some of the resources you will find include the following:
     The course syllabus- under 'general documents'
     The course schedule and calendar- under 'general documents'
     A Review of all the course assignments- under 'assignment documents'
     Class handouts- under 'class handouts'
     All of the in class presentations- under 'presentations'
     Various reviews- under 'reviews'
     A variety of other things I hope help you succeed in this class
This site will be updated on a regular basis so keep checking back

If you have trouble opening any of the resources, I suggest you install the latest Adobe reader (available here.) and the latest Macromedia Flash player (available here.) as well as enabling Javascript in your browser. 

I pray that you develop a heart and lifestyle of worship through this course,
I pray that you develop a heart of servanthood and teamwork through this course,
I pray that you develop skill in your chosen instrument(s) through this course,
I pray that you develop a deeper relationship with the Object of worship through this course.


I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Eph. 4:1
Infinite Menus, Copyright 2006, OpenCube Inc. All Rights Reserved.
WA245 WTP: Instrumental