Copyright © 2010 Brad Copp. All Rights Reserved.
This is the resource site for the WA454 Worship Arts Integration Class.  Please use the menu at the top of this column to access many important  course documents and resources. 

Some of the resources you will find include the following:
     The course syllabus- under 'general documents'
     The course schedule and calendar- under 'general documents'
     A Review of all the course assignments- under 'assignment documents'
     The study guide for the midterm and final exams- under 'assignment documents'
     Class handouts- under 'class handouts'
     All of the in class presentations- under 'presentations'
     Various reviews, practice exercises, and review quizzes- under 'reviews'
     A variety of other things I hope help you succeed in this class
This site will be updated on a regular basis so keep checking back

If you have trouble opening any of the resources, I suggest you install the latest Adobe reader (available here.) and the latest Macromedia Flash player (available here.) as well as enabling Javascript in your browser. 

I pray that you develop great wisdom and skill in using music through this course,
I pray that you develop great wisdom and skill in worship through this course,
I pray that you develop a deeper relationship with God through this course.


I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Eph. 4:1
Infinite Menus, Copyright 2006, OpenCube Inc. All Rights Reserved.
WA454 Worship Arts Integration