- 1. Attendance and Participation-
- Because of the nature of this course as a ‘practicum’, the most important aspect of the class is that you actually have ‘practice’ in the concepts of the course.
- The course is built around a decreasing amount of instruction and an increasing amount of guided student activity.
- This means that student should be present, on time, with their instrument in good repair, tuned and/or warmed up and ready to go.
- 2. Attitude-
- That is good attitude.
- Because it is a student practicum, involving students with differing levels of skill and experience, a positive, gracious attitude will be required at all times.
- This means submitting to direction from other students who are in a leadership role.
- Students should arrive with a ‘ready to learn’ attitude, as well as a willingness to help others.
- 3. Practice-
- In order to make the most of the class time, it will be necessary for the student to learn and/or practice songs outside of class time.
- For the benefit of themselves and their classmates, the student will be expected to do their best to be able to participate in class activities with skill and excellence.
- 4. Play for chapel, special events and Jury as scheduled.
- 5. Textbook 1 reading and study questions-
- Students are to read Worship Team Handbook in its entirety and briefly answer the study questions.
- hyperlink to study questions

- DUE Thurs. Feb. 15th at the beginning of class.
- 6. Textbook 2 reading and book report-
- Students are to read Inside-Out Worship in its entirety and write an 800-1000 word report.
- The book report will contain the following information:
- a. A statement stating that you have read the book in its entirety.
- b. Choose the four chapters/sections that stood out to you the most. For each, write the following:
- i. A brief summary of the chapter/section.
- ii. Describe why you thought they were significant and how they will impact your present and future ministry.
- iii. A brief description of the immediate and long-range action steps you intent to take as a result of the chapter/section. How are you going to apply the chapter/section to your life?
- DUE Tues. Mar. 13th at the beginning of class.
- There is no Final Exam in this Course.